How to Sell on Squarespace

The best way for an online store to be profitable is to stand out from the competition. Fortunately, the latest waves of online entrepreneurs have a secret weapon: Squarespace.

Modern customers like shopping in stores with a good website design. After all, things become a bit boring when everyone uses the same layout. Gaining an edge over the competition is always a good thing. Grab more attention, traffic, and sales with an online store that looks (and feels) right.


While technical know-how is always nice, this is a system designed to give anyone’s online store full power. All options and features are accessible, simple, and supported with instructions.

100+ Templates

If you don’t like one theme, no problem. And, if this pattern continues for another 99 iterations, still no problem. Designed to provide users with their ideal setup, the shelves here are quite deep.

Bang for Buck

A website is a simple eCommerce necessity. The question becomes one of value versus cost. Squarespace provides steller services relative to similarly priced foreign options.

Squarespace Makes Creating a Merchant Website Easy

No matter what you sell online, a storefront is the most basic necessity. This transition can be done in many different ways, with many different eCommerce platforms, partners, etc. 

Squarespace presents a convincing argument that they are arguably the most visually powerful, easiest to use, and have the greatest value, for the best cost, of all the other website builders out there. Unlimited storage and a custom domain name are also included.

Start Selling With Squarespace

7 Steps to Squarespace Site Setup Success

Squarespace is designed to be simple. Getting off the ground is possible in just seven steps. 

Create An Account

1. Create an Account

Squarespace offers a free 14-day trial, special deals for students, and other promotions. Regardless, an account is required. 

2. Select a Template

After login, users are prompted to choose from a wide range of categories. It’s worth spending some time delving through these options. Just hit “preview” and some fine-tuned exploration is possible within each one.

Select Squarespace Template

3. Create a Login

Sign in with a Google account or input a valid email address. Then, a screen requesting a website title will appear, followed by some basic editing advice.

4. Page Modification

Depending on the scope of a project, it may be necessary to:

Squarespace Page Modifications
Squarespace Adding Content

5. Filling in Space

Once the site is formulated properly, it’s time to add content. Be sure to branch out with words, images, videos, a blog post, or anything exciting.

6. Branding

This is an increasingly fine-tuned look at the content, organization, flow, and aesthetics of a website. Tweak fonts, introduce coloring, front animations, present various styles, fly a logo, customize product pages, list store policies, and much more.

Squarespace Branding
Finalize Details

7. Finalize Details

Administration is a necessary evil. But, harnessed correctly, it can be a wonderful tool to conquer POD.

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Making Squarespace Site

Sales Strategies for a Squarespace Online Store

Even with a wonderful website full of beautifully crafted products, there are still a few eCommerce advantages worth pursuing if you want to sell products. Attract customers to shop or continue shopping in your online stores by implementing these marketing tools and tactics:

Stay on Top of Trends

Any occurrence can spark a massive wave of purchasing. A celebrity, athlete, political event, physical product, or anything can all be marketable for a shop page under the right circumstances.

Manage Communication

Building a website, brand, or business is about more than releasing good products. If a merchant has a reputation for a personal touch with customers, it scores big points — especially if those efforts are consistent. Maintain a presence on social media, respond to emails, and regularly update shop pages to keep customers engaged.

Product Descriptions

In addition to the appearance of a product’s picture or video online, the product descriptions that describe items are important, too. Make sure to put some time into these words.

Search Engine Optimization

A Squarespace website does no good if customers can’t find it. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to update product details, add keywords, and input other actions that result in higher search rankings.

Social Media

A necessary evil or the best sales tool ever? Either way, make it a point to consistently connect with followers. Nurturing emotions can have serious financial benefits.

Squarespace Analytics

These marketing tools provide merchants with an overview of online store data points like referrals, conversion rates, buyer behavior, consumer traffic tracking, etc.

Focus on a Niche

Audiences respond better when they feel like they’re being spoken to specifically. While there is an argument to be made for broad-appeal digital or physical products, results show targeted campaigns working better (selling more).


Consider offering bundle deals, upselling, cross-selling, a custom form, or discount code. If certain product categories pair well together in an online store, those service products could make a difference in a sale.

See this helpful article on Squarespace integration if you have any questions. 

Eye-Catching Aesthetics

A Squarespace website offers cutting-edge presentation and display, and its layouts provide an exceptional user interface and purchasing experience. This will present products better.

When a website looks good, customers are more likely to enter, stay, and buy. With Squarespace eCommerce numerous options, tweaks, and customizations make it easy to personalize an online store to perfection.

Quality Products

The Printify platform provides a marketable, scalable, and quality service. Upgrades, integrations, and new products are added regularly to meet the evolving needs of modern consumers.

Delivering on this promise, a world-leading catalog is supplemented with stellar service. If there is ever a question, a wealth of resources are waiting to assist. In addition to our 24/7 human support capabilities, we have an online help center, numerous blogs and articles, and motivational success stories.

Defined Goals

Riches, success, and fame, of course. And there’s never been a better time for selling products.

These are risk-free opportunities to believe in yourself, build an operation, and seize some print-on-demand profit.

Why Work with Printify on Squarespace?

With all the amazing digital capacities that a Squarespace website provides, it only makes sense to pair with a partner that can keep up. 

Sell On Squarespace Using Printify

Start Your Own Print-On-Demand Business!

How to add eCommerce to a Squarespace Website

The pairing of print on demand and Squarespace is not a complicated process. All setup, physical product design, integration, and management are simple. All back-end processes are automated, so Printify merchants never have to be micromanaged or take online courses.

1. Product Selection: As Printify’s catalog is ever-expanding, it can be difficult to choose. Explore the growing selection of shoes, shirts, hoodies, accessories, and even lamps, to attract customer traffic.

2. Add Design(s): Products are designed in the Printify Mockup Generator. There, designs are uploaded or drag-and-dropped directly onto the product. Several tools are provided for improved modifications.

3. Integrate with Squarespace: When a merchant has digital products ready for their online stores, it’s time to release them into a place where customers can find them.


  1. In your Printify account, click “Manage My Stores”.
  2. Click “Connect”.
  3. Click the Squarespace option.
  4. This will prompt a Squarespace login.
  5. Select a draft Printify store from the drop-down menu and click “Continue”.
  6. Name your brand new store.

And that’s all there is to it. Anyone wanting to sell digital products can have a functional, beautiful, and unique website. Now, it is possible to sell services, as well. Be sure to reach out if you have any questions. 

Parting Advice: Continually Revisit Search Engine Optimization

Make sure that all the efforts going into Squarespace commerce, eCommerce, analytics, design, product selection, and so much more, are actually found by customers. While it is possible to leap this entirely by using paid advertising, the choice to go through some basic research is a good one. 

No matter if it’s using keywords to better target a niche, including sources and support, or regularly releasing streams of useful content, there are so many ways to appear more often online. It will be very useful to keep tabs on this space.

Squarespace SEO Optimization

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